Distance from Malaga to Seville: All Your Questions Answered

Distance from Malaga to Seville: All Your Questions Answered

Are you staying in Malaga and wondering whether to visit Seville?

Are you wondering what’s the distance between Malaga and Seville and what are the easiest ways to reach the destination?

This article has all the answers you need to plan your journey, plus all the insider local information you won’t find anywhere else.

Are you ready?

Let’s jump in!

Where is Seville?

Seville (in Spanish Sevilla) is the largest city and the capital of the autonomous region of Andalusia, in Southern Spain, in the southwest of the Iberian peninsula.

The city is situated in the valley of the river Guadalquivir, with the majority of the city located on the east side, with the districts of Triana, La Cartuja and Los Remedios on the west side.

Palacio de las Dueñas, Seville
Palacio de las Dueñas, Seville

The Distance from Malaga to Seville

The distance between Malaga and Seville is approximately 200 kilometres or 124 miles.

On the map below you can see the journey options, their duration and the total distance travelled.

Distance from Malaga Airport to Seville

The shortest driving distance from Malaga airport to Seville is 220km. If you’re driving by car, you will get to Seville in about 2 hours and 20 minutes, depending on the traffic.

The route options for this journey are highlighted on the map below, together with the total distance travelled and the journey duration.

Distance from Malaga to Seville by Car

The shortest journey from Malaga to Seville by car is 209 km (129 miles).

Casa de Pilatos in Seville, Spain
Casa de Pilatos in Seville, Spain

Malaga to Seville Travel Connection Options

Here are your options for getting from Malaga to Seville:

  • The fastest option: train from Malaga to Seville (alternatively car, but getting through the city makes the journey longer + finding parking space also takes time)
  • Cheapest option: by bus – almost the same time as the train, and half the price
  • From Malaga Airport: by train – take a train to Malaga Maria Zambrano – only a couple of stops – and get a direct travel connection from there.

To read more about each option in detail, you can check this post for Malaga to Seville transport guide.

Most Popular Experiences in Seville

Here are some highlights you can experience while staying in Seville.

What To Do While in Seville?

Seville is in my opinion the prettiest Andalusian city and it has so much to offer! Even if you only have time to do a day trip, there are lots of options for how to spend your time there.

Here are some of the posts I’ve written about Seville:

How to See Seville in One Day

Visiting the Royal Alcazar of Seville

Palacio de las Dueñas, Seville

Best Restaurants in Seville (Spain)

The Venice of Spain: Plaza de España, Seville

The Gem of Andalusian Architecture: Casa de Pilatos, Seville

The Monument of Controversy: Las Setas de Sevilla

Seville Cathedral & Giralda Tower

10 Gorgeous Photography Locations in Seville, Spain

Setas de Sevilla, Spain
Setas de Sevilla (The Metropol Parasol)

Frequent Questions Answered

How to get from Malaga airport to Seville?

The easiest way to get from Malaga airport to Seville is by car or train. If you’re driving by car, the journey will take approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes. By train, you can make the same journey in under 2 hours from Malaga Maria Zambrano. To get to the train station, you can take a local commuter train C-1 from the airport to Malaga Maria Zambrano. The train runs every 20 minutes and the journey takes only 10 minutes.

Can you get a train from Malaga to Seville?

Yes, there is a frequent train connection available between the cities. In this article, you will find out all the information you need to plan your train journey between Malaga and Seville.

How many miles is it from Malaga to Seville?

The distance between Malaga and Seville is approximately 124 miles.

Is there a direct train from Malaga to Seville?

Yes, there is a direct train which will take you from Malaga to Seville in 1 hour and 55 minutes. It runs a few times per day and you can check the prices and timetable at Renfe website.

How long from Malaga to Seville by train?

It depends on which connection you’re taking. There is a direct train which will get you to Seville in 1 hour and 55 minutes, and also connecting train via Cordoba which takes around 3 hours to get to Seville.

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Southern Spain Travel Tips

Find Best Hotels

Find Hotels

I have been using booking.com for all my trips in Spain and abroad, and it’s the best place to book your hotel.

Find Car Rental

Find Car Rental

To rent a car, I highly recommend Discover Cars, an award-winning price comparison site for car rentals.

Book Your Tour

Local travel companies offer many day trip options from almost all the destinations in Southern Spain. You can check them out here.

Book Local Transport

To get the cheapest bus or train tickets, take a look at Omio to find the timetables and prices.

Find Cheap Flights

Get the best flight deals when you book early via Skyscanner.com

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links - if you decide to book using one of the links, I will earn a small commission that helps me run this site. This is at no extra cost to you.

Hi, I'm Lucia

At Viva La Vita, I will help you to discover Southern Spain like a local!

I've been living on Costa del Sol since 2020, and fill these pages with first-hand insights, personal experience and practical tips that will help you plan a wonderful trip to Spain.

Make yourself at home and find the best places to explore in Andalusia and beyond.

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