Estepona to Marbella: Your Detailed Local Transport Guide

Estepona to Marbella: Your Detailed Local Transport Guide

Are you planning to travel from Estepona to Marbella?

This article has been written by a local expat and gives you all the essential details you need to plan your journey. Most importantly, you will also get local insights and expertise that will save you a lot of hassle and time.

Let’s check the travel options for your trip from Estepona to Marbella.

How Far is Estepona to Marbella

The distance between Estepona and Marbella is approximately 35 km (21 miles)

Estepona to Marbella: Transport Options

Below is a quick glance overview of the transport options for the route Estepona to Marbella, followed by a detailed breakdown for each journey.

  • by car: 30-minute drive on the AP-7
  • by bus: 30-minute drive with Avanza, up to 15 departures per day
  • by train: train connections not available
  • by taxi: around 30 euros one way
  • by uber: around 25 euros one way
old town marbella costa del sol
Marbella old town

1. Estepona to Marbella by Car

The drive from Estepona to Marbella is pretty easy, via the AP-7. The only issue is the fact that it’s a toll road, so you will have to pay some fees.

I have added an overview of the journey along with the fees below.

  • Journey Duration: 28 minutes
  • Journey Distance: 35 km
  • Journey Details: via AP-7 highway (fastest route option)
  • Tolls: 3.30 euros (calculated via toll cost calculator)
  • Petrol Cost: 3.60 euros

2. Estepona to Marbella by Train

There is no train network between Estepona and Marbella.

3. Estepona to Marbella by Bus

There is a regular bus service between Estepona and Marbella, with up to 15 departures per day.

The buses are run by Avanza bus company and are operated within their long distance trips, so the only downside is the fact that you can’t reserve seats for this short journey, so if you’re travellign as a group that might be an issue.

  • Bus Departures: up to 15 departures per day, depending on the season (less in winter and weekends). Check the detailed departure options below.
  • Journey Duration: either 30 or 45 minutes, depending on which bus you take
  • Ticket Prices: from 3.44 euros one way, per person
  • Buying Tickets: best to do online at Avanza website
  • Bus Arrivals: at the main bus station in Marbella, no other stops in the city

Estepona Bus Station

The location of the bus station in Estepona is marked on the map below.

Estepona has a very small bus station at the beginning of the town, it’s quite far off from the centre alongside a long stretch of the highway. I would imagine it’s probably 15 – 20 minute walk if you want to go there on foot.

Just behind the bus station is a taxi rank, almost hidden behind the bushes, where you can get a local taxi to your hotel or the old town.

The taxi from the town would cost under 10 euros, depending on where you go. If your hotel is further away on the beachside it would be around 15 euros or more.

There is very limited Uber service in Estepona, but I was able to get an uber to the bus station.

The terminal building is small, but there are toilets, ticket machines and a small vending machine. A short walk away from the bus station towards the city centre is a big supermarket where you can get some sandwiches for your trip and other necessities.

Estepona to Marbella Bus Departures

At the moment (spring 2023), the buses to Marbella depart at the times displayed below. Please note that the schedule will vary depending on your day of travel, and the below times are just as an illustration of the gaps between each connection and approximate journey times.

  • 7.15 am – 30 mins journey
  • 8.00 am – 30 mins journey
  • 8.30 am – 45 mins journey
  • 9.30 am – 30 mins journey
  • 10.15 am – 30 mins journey
  • 11.55 am – 35 mins journey
  • 12.05 pm – 40 mins journey
  • 13.25 pm – 35 mins journey
  • 15.25 pm – 30 mins journey
  • 16.15 pm – 35 mins journey
  • 17.00 pm – 30 mins journey
  • 17.15 pm – 45 mins journey
  • 19.30 pm – 30 mins journey
  • 20.10 pm – 30 mins journey
  • 21.15 pm – 30 mins journey
  • 22.00 pm – 30 mins journey
Manuka Restaurant Marbella, Costa del Sol, Spain
Costal promenade in Marbella

Marbella Bus Station

The main bus station in Marbella is North of the town centre, a somewhat inconvenient location for most people.

The faster long distance buses will only stop at the main bus station and not closer to the coastline.

The bus station in Marbella has almost non-existing facilities and no shops, only a few vending machines. It is also a fairly remote location with no other facilities like restaurants or shops located close by.

There is a small taxi rank outside of the bus station, and if you would like to walk from there to the coastline, it would take about 30 minutes.

The location of the bus station ins marked on the map below.

4. Estepona to Marbella by Taxi

The taxi to Marbella will be around 30 euros, but that depends on your pick up and drop off points as both of the cities stretch for a few kilometres which will add up to the total cost.

5. Estepona to Marbella by Uber

Generally Uber tends to work out cheaper than a standard taxi, for this case it comes to around 25 euros with uber saver option. As I mentioned above, the price will depend on your pick-up and drop off point and also the demand when you want to travel.

marbella costa del sol spain 15
Alameda Park in Marbella

Marbella Sightseeing and Tour Options

Below is a selection of different activities and tours available in Marbella.

Estepona to Marbella: Frequent Questions

How far from Estepona to Marbella?

The distance between Estepona and Marbella is about 35 km, which will take you around 30 minutes to drive.

How close is Estepona to Marbella?

It’s fairly close, only 30 minute drive (35km)

How much is a taxi from Marbella to Estepona?

Approximately 30 euros, depending on where exactly you’re getting.

How to get from Estepona to Marbella?

You can drive by car in just 30 minutes, or take one of the local buses.

What to See in Marbella?

Best Restaurants in Marbella: Guide by a Local Foodie

How to Spend a Day in Marbella: One Day Itinerary

Your Complete Guide to Marbella Old Town

Your Guide to Plaza de los Naranjos: The Orange Square in Marbella

The Best for Tapas: Taverna Casa Blanca, Marbella

Manuka Restaurant: Health-Conscious Food in Marbella

The Farm Restaurant, Marbella – Spain

Photo of author
Lucia has been living on Costa del Sol since 2020, and through her love of photography and travel, she has been documenting the best places to see in Southern Spain and uncovering hidden gems only known to locals. All the articles on Viva La Vita are written based on personal experience and local expertise.

Hi, I'm Lucia

At Viva La Vita, I will help you to discover Southern Spain like a local!

I've been living on Costa del Sol since 2020, and fill these pages with first-hand insights, personal experience and practical tips that will help you plan a wonderful trip to Spain.

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